Posts Tagged ‘solid’

These posters about SOLID principles were created by me some time ago as a result of reading about alternatives methods of learning and a necessity to apply it in the real world. There are 5 posters about each principle:

  • Single responsibility
  • Open/closed
  • Liskov substitution
  • Interface segregation
  • Dependency inversion

and the one summary page.

How to use it? There are many interesting ways. For example I put the first one on a pinboard in a kitchen when people always look at waiting for water to boil or coffee to brew. I was positively surprised seeing an interest and discussions about subject and created next posters which were hung on top with a 2 weeks delay. After the whole cycle I did a survey on a technical meeting and countable part of attendees declared the posters as a source of knowledge of SOLID principles. I will be happy to hear how did you used it!

SOLID - introduction posters

The text was based on Wikipedia and a very interesting SOLID elaboration – “Pablo’s SOLID Software Development” did by people from The illustrative pictures comes also from that e-book in a version mixed by Joey Devilla. Like original materials the slides are available under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License (which means that you can for example print it and hang in your office).

Let me know if you find it useful. Comments and remarks are also welcome. Thanks!